Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Book Review on One flew over the Cuckoo's nest

Tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the novel:

One flew over the Cuckoo's nest is a novel written by Ken Kesey that takes place in a mental health facility in Oregon . I chose the subject: "tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the novel", so that I could explain how I would feel if I were one of the patients in the ward who is faced with some of the situations that the characters in the book are faced with.

The first situation that I would have a reaction to would be the arrival of McMurphy. McMurphy is described as being as strong-headed and disobedient Irishman who has a recent conviction of statutory rape. He has been transferred from a state prison to the mental health facility because he fakes having a mental disability and would rather be institutionalized than live on a “work farm”. His arrival creates a huge turmoil on the ward, because he marches to his own drumbeat and does not follow any of the rules established by the hospital. At first, I think I would have a hard time adjusting to his arrival and would not be happy with him because he would disrupt the order of the institution to which I would be used to. However, after some time, I think I would finally come around and see that he McMurphy is actually a pretty nice guy and I would have fun with him and all his wackiness. I would respect him, in the fact that he is not afraid to say what he thinks and feels and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

The second situation that I would react to would be the boat ride that McMurphy takes all the patients from the ward on. McMurphy steals the bus with all the patients on it and takes off to the marina. He decides that he wants to teach his friends from the institution how to fish. If I were one of the patients on the so-called field-trip, I would be thinking that it is one of the best days of my life, since at the institution everything is planned and controlled and there is never anything spontaneous that happens. I would be so happy that McMurphy finally took me out to do something fun and exciting and different from anything else that I have ever done.

The third situation to which I would react very strongly would be when Billy Bibbit commits suicide. I think at first I would not understand what has just happened and just be under total shock. Once the event would have sunken in, I would be overcome with sadness and be completely abashed by the tragic event. I would also be very angry with nurse Ratched because she is the one who pushes Billy to breaking point by threatening to tell his mother about his bad behaviour (sleeping with a prostitute brought in by McMurphy). I would then proceed to mourn Billy’s death and try and comfort the other patients in the ward who are affected by the event.

In summary, there are many events that take place in the book that would raise a strong reaction in me, whether it is sadness, joy, panic or even stress. This book takes the reader through a multitude of emotions and feelings and makes him feel like he is really a character in the novel right along side McMurphy and the other patients.

1 comment:

  1. Tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the novel:

    One flew (25) over (25) the Cuckoo's nest (25) is a novel written by Ken Kesey that takes place in a mental health facility in Oregon . I chose the subject: "tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the novel", so that I could explain how I would feel if I were one of the patients in the ward who is faced with some of the situations that the characters in the book are faced with.

    The first situation that I would have a reaction to would be the arrival of McMurphy. McMurphy is described as being as (18) strong-headed and disobedient Irishman who has (11) a (17) recent (16) conviction (10) of statutory rape. He has been transferred from a state prison to the mental health facility because he fakes having a mental disability (18) and would rather be institutionalized than live on a “work farm”. His arrival creates a (17) huge turmoil on the ward, because he marches to his own drumbeat and does not follow any of the rules established by the hospital. At first, I think I would have a hard time adjusting to his arrival and would not be happy with him because he would disrupt the order of the institution to which I would be used to. However, after some time, I think I would finally come around and see that he McMurphy is actually a pretty nice guy and I would have fun with him and all his wackiness. I would respect him, in the fact that (23) he is not afraid to say what he thinks and feels and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

    The second situation that I would react to would be the boat ride that McMurphy takes all the patients from the ward on. McMurphy steals the bus with all the patients on it and takes off to the marina. He decides that he wants to teach his friends from the institution how to fish. If I were one of the patients on the so-called field-trip, I would be (17) thinking (16) that it (15) is one of the best days of my life, since at the institution everything is planned and controlled and there is never anything spontaneous that happens. I would be so happy that McMurphy finally took me out to do something fun and exciting and different from anything else that I have ever done.

    The third situation to which I would react very strongly would be when Billy Bibbit commits suicide. I think at first I would not understand what has just happened and just be under total shock. Once the event would have sunken in, I would be overcome with sadness and be completely abashed by the tragic event. I would also be very angry with nurse Ratched because she is the one who pushes (10) Billy to breaking point (23) by threatening to tell his mother about his bad behaviour (sleeping with a prostitute brought in by McMurphy). I would then proceed to mourn Billy’s death and try and comfort the other patients in the ward who are affected by the event.

    In summary, there are many events that take place in the book that would raise a strong reaction in me, whether it is (11) sadness, joy, panic or even stress. This book takes the reader through a multitude of emotions and feelings and makes him feel like he is really a character in the novel right along side McMurphy and the other patients.

    Content: 18/20
    Coherence: 18/20
    Style: 19/20
    Vocabulary: 17/20
    Grammar/Sp: 16/20
    Late: -0
    Total: 88/100
